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HomeClub Committees

Club Committees

These are the committees defined within Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members, no one of whom shall be a member of the Board. Such Nominating Committee shall have the duty and power to nominate candidates for Officers and Governors to be elected at the next Annual Meeting.
The Membership Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members selected by the Membership Chair and approved by the Board of Governors. They shall receive all applications for membership or reinstatement. The Committee shall personally interview all such applicants, and shall send its recommendations on all applications to the Board for final action.
The House Committee oversees the operation of the Club in the areas of house, grounds, and employees.
The Race Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members. They shall receive entries and fees and direct all matters connected with the handling of races and regattas.
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The Protest Committee shall consist of not more than two (2) members of the Race Committee and at least three (3) other members. They shall decide all protests, basing their decisions on the AHYC current Sailing Instructions.
The Entertainment Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members of the Club. They shall plan and execute social functions in cooperation with other Committees and the Board.
Special Olympics
Special Olympics Atlantic HIghlands Yacht Club provides a Special Olympics Sailing Program every Tuesday night from June 6 to August 15. Special Olympics New Jersey offers athletes free participation in the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club Sailing Program and provides sailing opportunities for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics New Jersey is an organization dedicated to bringing pride into the lives of all involved.
Committee of Members
The Committee of Members meet and confer with similar committees of any other yacht club or clubs, or with members of any advisory yacht club. The Committee shall conduct the exchanging of reciprocity agreements among clubs who have such interests, or which are of interest to the membership. The Committee of Members shall acknowledge new members in the Club and serve to provide information about the Club objectives and help to engage new member participation in Club functions and operations.
Launch and Hoist
The Launch Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members of the Club. They shall oversee the maintenance and operation of the Launches, management of the Launch operators (including hiring, firing, and training), and the maintenance of the Club Dock.
The Yachting Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members of the Club. They shall plan and execute all on water activities not directly involving racing. This includes Club Cruises, raftups, etc.
Bar & Galley
The Galley-Bar committee oversees the operation and management of the Club in the areas of food service and bar operations. Jack Grodeska is the Committee Chair.
Ships Store
The Atlantic Highlands Sailing Education Program, AHSEP, teaches sailing skills to Bay Shore Area youth ages eight to seventeen years. Students learn the basics of sailing, water safety, teamwork, and begin to appreciate sailing as a sport and a recreational pastime
The Technology Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Club. They shall manage the WEB technology platform, oversee that the WEB content is maintained in an appropriate manner and train committee chairs or representatives to manage their own WEB content.
Public Relations
Speaker Series
Harbor Liaison
Constitution And By Laws
The CBL committee reviews and recommends changes to the existing Constitution and By Laws of AHYC
Long Term Planning
The Committee shall advise and report to the Board of Governors with regard to future replacement of infrastructure, acquisition of new capital items, and associated funding.
Deck Committee
Club Boat
Continuing Education
To further the collective knowledge base of our membership and to become more proficient in our Boat Handling and Boat Ownership skills.
To assist the Treasurer with the fiduciary accountability of the Club
Mooring Rehabilitation
Veterans Sailing Committee

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